Colombian Visas by Licensed Colombian Attorneys

The Colombia Visa Guide All types of visas in this Colombia Visa Guide are not listed on this page, please contact us if you need more help. Please tell us more about your plans so we can help you find the best visa for your life style! If you would like to setup an initial consultation with James Lindzey the Colombian visa expert please let us know! 

Most Popular Colombian Visas 

V – Student Visa

(Visitor or Migrant) Colombia Student Visa category depends on proof of Enrollment by Accredited Institution, & Funds to Pay for Classes. valent savings.

M– Marriage Visa

(M1) Visa – A great a Colombia Visa for Married or civil union couples. Full work benefits & up to 3 years

M – Property Owner Visa

(Previously TP7) The Colombia Property Visa  foreign investment of at least 455,000,000 Pesos, or aproximately $116,667 USD in real estate for the year 2024. 

M – Colombian Parent Visa

Full Migrant Visa for Parents, As an abiological or foster parent you obtain residency by being the parent of a Colombian.

M –Digital Nomad Visa 

Colombia Digital Nomad Visa is designed for remote workers who own or work for foreign companies. Your income must be 3,900,000 pesos or more monthly.

PensionM – Pension Visa

(M-11) You have to receive 3 times minimum salary (aprx 1,000 USD) in monthly bases to qualify for Colombia Pension Visa


M – Investor Visa

This can be obtained by investing 455 million pesos in Colombian real estate for the year 2024. Colombian Property Investor Visa.

Business-OwnerM – Business Owner Visa

Migrant (Previously TP7) This Colombia Business Owner Visa is great for landlords, trust fund holders, or persons earning fixed monthly income paid 

M – Beneficiary Visa

The Colombia Beneficiary Visa is intended for foreigners who are dependents and family members.

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