Colombia Family Law
This civil law section is primarily dedicated to family law issues such as Colombian marriage, pre-nuptial agreements, divorce and obtaining visas as a result of Colombian relationship. Colombia Civil Law actually refers to any legal matters which are not criminal in nature.
Situations such as buying Colombian real estate, drafting wills and other contractual matters also fall under this category. As the expat community continues to grow in Medellín, we will undoubtedly address other types of legal needs and lawsuits which may arise.
In the meantime, our focus remains on the following Colombian marriage and related topics:
Marriage, Civil Marriage and Common Unions: To learn more about Colombian Marriage, and how other options such as Civil Marriages and Common Unions may be more advantageous.

Colombian Family Law
Divorce: If you unfortunately find yourself in need of a divorce, go HERE to learn more about your options and legal rights.
Estate Planning and Wills: Regardless of your marital status, and especially if you own property in Colombia, you need to consider having a will prepared. We can walk you through the relevant laws and draft a will which meets your specific needs.
Related Legal Services: For non-Colombian marriages, or for those who marry in Colombia and travel overseas, we can provide the following related services:
Colombia Family Law
Colombian Prenup
A Colombian prenup protects your assets in Colombia during a Civil Union or Civil Marriage. Prenups should be created for each country of residence. During a Colombian divorce foreign assets do not come into play under most circumstances. However, the Colombian Prenup can protect your assets in Colombia.
Colombian Marriage
Legal assistance preparing for a Colombian marriage saves you from headaches when dealing with Colombian notaries marriage requirements. Preparing for Colombian marriages is much like preparing for a visa application. We counted 20 items basic requirements fo a Colombian Marriage.
Colombian Divorce
Our Colombian divorce attorneys take extra care of foreigners. Understand your options and rights! Don’t get taken advantage of! Do not use your wife / husbands attorney!! We have had many people arrive in our office after signing agreements they did not fully understand.
Child Custody
Colombian child custody agreements are an extremely delicate and emotional process which requires an experienced Colombian attorney, with experience in family law & negotiating visitation rights, child support, and custody agreements.

Colombia Estate Planning
Colombian Estate Planning
Colombian estate planning generally only includes items which are inside of Colombia. Rights to inheritance of items in other countries is best left to drafting of legal documents in countries where foreign assets exist. We can assist in helping you plan for probate or protect assets while you are still alive and well.
Colombian Living Trust
A Colombian living trust is very similar to a living trust in the United States but it has very unique ways to set up. In Colombia the living trust is certified on a title at a public notary. The Living trust may avoid probate in many cases, and provides protection of your assets.
Colombian Testaments & Wills
Planning ahead for your family is even more important in Colombia than your home country. The Colombian civil code has very strict laws which say what percentages must be allowed for spouses, children, and even your siblings. In some cases persons must do advanced estate planning in addition to leaving a will. Speak with an attorney in our office to learn about how probate laws may effect your assets in Colombia!.
Legal Document Services
Birth Certificate
Birth certificates are needed for a variety of processes. Most commonly for getting married, or obtaining a Colombian beneficiary visa for a child of a principal visa applicant. Whether a person is arriving to Colombia or leaving Colombia the Birth Certificate should in most cases have a translation and apostille to be legal in another country.
Power Of Attorney
Translations and Certificates
We have translators who may translate to and from Spanish into over 10 languages. Our translators reside in Colombia and are certified by the federal government. Remember that most legal processes and notaries in Colombia require that translations be done inside Colombia by certified translators.