Child Custody & Parental Rights in Colombia
In considering Child Custody and Parental rights in Colombia we should examine the legal concepts “personal care” and “custody” of a minor mean in futher detail. Though both terms aim to protect and ensure the well-being of the child, there are important differences between them:
Colombian Custody (Tenencia)
- Definition: Custody refers to the right to have the minor in one’s home and provide day-to-day care. It includes the responsibility of supervising the child and meeting their daily needs.
- Custodial and non-custodial parent: Typically, a judge may decide that one parent has custody (the custodial parent), while the other has visitation rights (the non-custodial parent), even if both parents share parental authority.
- Legal aspect: Custody is one aspect of parental authority and can be granted to one parent or shared between both if the judge believes it is in the child’s best interests.
Modification: Custody can be changed if the circumstances of one of the parents change or if it is deemed necessary for the child’s well-being.

2. Personal Care of a Minor in Colombia (Cuidado Personal)
Definition: Personal care of a minor in Colombia refers to the obligation of ensuring the child’s health, emotional well-being, and education. The parent responsible for personal care addresses the child’s daily needs, such as routines, health, and extracurricular activities.
Legal Basis: Código de la Infancia y Adolescencia (Law 1098 of 2006): The law mandates that all decisions involving children prioritize their comprehensive protection and rights (Art. 8, Law 1098 of 2006).
Sentencia C-456 de 2016 (Corte Constitucional): This ruling recognizes that personal care, while distinct from custody, involves duties to safeguard the child’s emotional and psychological welfare, emphasizing that both parents should collaborate when feasible.
Exclusive or Shared Care: The court may grant personal care to one parent or share it between both, depending on what best benefits the child. This arrangement often arises in divorce or separation cases where each parent can fulfill certain aspects of the child’s daily needs.

3. Key Differences
Authority Over a Child in Colombia: Custody in Colombia primarily determines who resides with the child, whereas personal care involves meeting the child’s immediate needs.
Legal Distinction: Sentencia C-183 de 2008 (Corte Constitucional): This decision differentiates custody from personal care, underscoring that while custody affects living arrangements, personal care responsibilities focus on day-to-day well-being. Parental authority (patria potestad) is not relinquished unless a court decides otherwise.
Long-term vs. Daily Decisions: Custody covers significant decisions affecting the child’s life, while personal care deals with everyday matters.
4. Legal Process and Judicial Intervention in Colombia
Family Court Authority: When there are disputes, the Family Court decides on custody and personal care arrangements based on the child’s best interests.
Sentencia T-510 de 2003 (Corte Constitucional): This judgment highlights the importance of judicial intervention in family matters involving minors, specifying that the Family Court should always prioritize the minor’s well-being when ruling on custody and personal care disputes.
Guardian Assignment: In cases where neither parent can assume these responsibilities, the court can assign a guardian, as outlined in Código Civil (Art. 419).
In Colombia, the protection of minors is a fundamental principle of family law, and the legal framework ensures that both personal care and custody align with the rights and best interests of the child.
Our Story
James Lindzey founded the website, which is constantly updated with new information explaining visa resolutions, procedures, and laws in Colombia to expats. James has worked as a private investigator and paralegal in the United States through the 90s until he moved to Colombia in 2005. James arrived in Colombia in 2005 and started doing visas for expats, but currently works as Director of Legal Services for Visas by James, and Colombia Legal & Associates SAS since June of 2023.
Colombia Legal & Associates acquired the brand name Visas by James as it became a more familiar and easy way for foreigners to remember the business, than the previous Visas y Tramites Internacionales.
While focuses more on legal issues for expats, focuses more on visas, and holds the trademark Visas by James. is the oldest website and provider of visa information for expats in Colombia. We are proud to be the first and always on the cutting edge of providing interactive website content to our visitors.
In addition to our visa services our agency offers a full range of legal and accounting services to our clients. We are able to assist better in document collection services in the United States because of James previous legal experience in the United States.
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